7 de abril de 2014

OOTD: Red and Blue

Parque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTD
El rojo y el azul, de mis combinaciones preferidas. Esta vez elegí agregarle unos zapatos de taco a la sudadera de París y mi abrigo irregular rojo que, creo, siempre aporta algo de formalidad.
¡Muy buena semana y gracias por pasar por aquí!

PD: Pueden ver un look más informal con la sudadera de París aquí :).
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Red and blue, one of my favorite couples.  This time I chose to add to the Paris sweatshirt a high heels pair of shoes and my irregular red coat that, I think, it's special to bring a formal touch.
Have a really nice week and thank you for stopping by!

PS: You can see a much more informal look with the Paris sweatshirt here :).
Parque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTDParque del Retiro, Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the Day - OOTD
Sudadera ~ Sweatshirt:
Abrigo ~ Coat:
Pulsera ~ Bracelet:
Cartera ~ Bag:
Zapatos ~ Shoes:

2 comentarios:

  1. Love your red and blue outfit!
    The jacket has a gorgeous cut and color, fits very good to your dark blue pants.

    have a wonderful week
    greetings from Germany
    Dana :)

  2. Hi Dana! Thank you so much for your comment :).

    Lovely week for you too!
