18 de abril de 2014

OOTD: Blue Stripes

Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTD
Un conjunto simple, clásico y cómodo para el fin de semana.
¡Gracias por pasar por aquí!
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A simple, classic and comfortable outfit for the weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!

Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTDMadrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTDMadrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTD Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTD Madrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTDMadrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTDMadrid, España - Spain - Outfit of the day - OOTD

Camiseta ~ T-Shirt:
Chaleco – Vest:
Collar  ~ Necklace:
Pulsera ~ Bracelet:
Cartera ~ Bag:
Zapatos ~ Shoes:

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